I've tried over and over to start writing something, anything, to try and convey how much you mean to me. I spend half my time writing and yet when it comes to something that means so much, I'm completely lost for words.
I'm so grateful for every last ridiculous memory that I have with you. I may be a useless wanderer who can't sit still, but something - everything about you kept me gravitating back.
Some people grow up as friends, some achieve friendship and some have friendship thrust upon them. You certainly had this friendship thrust upon you. But, despite our blunt beginnings, you were to become one of my closest friends.
The loyalty and love that you have for your friends is a trait rarely seen in such purity. I feel I can speak for many when I say it is an honour to have known and loved you.
I remember being horribly nervous, before asking if I could go to Download with you for the first time. Looking back, that makes me smile. The relief when I realised you were just as excited by the idea as me!
It is no secret that Download Festival is the highlight of my year. Those five days in a field with you and my Southern family are favoured above any international adventure.
You are one of the most amazing people I have ever met. Gentle and compassionate, hilarious and endearing. A rare combination of humble intelligence and unrefined childish humour - everything was of interest, from a Hurryward perspective.
Although we discussed the likelihood of being descendants of Dwarvish blood, I have recently concluded that your lovable foolishness is paralleled only in Hobbit tendencies. It was a dangerous business indeed, stepping outside the front door with you, I had truly no idea where your navigation would take us!
I'll never forget trying to direct you out of Sheffield
'Take the next left.'
'I meant the next left that's a road, Hurry...' - as we pull into a car park.
Costco, Corp or McDonald's, every outing was an adventure, although tent shopping was probably one of my favourites.
'Big enough for two air beds', Anna requested. 'At least a four man', were her conditions.
We were ALL OVER the situation. Equip with an expired Go Outdoors card and envisaged air bed parameters we set forth into the camping shop. We tested every show tent in town, lying side by side 'be the air bed, BE the air bed!' Success! We purchased a tent that was both roomy and stable - Anna approved.
Werging, probably our favourite pass time. A simple yet consistently hilarious art, of which you will forever remain undisputed Jedi master. My Hurry - my Abi; Murreh and Mabbeh. It makes my stomach sick to think I'll never hear you say that again.
I miss your southern accent - almost as much as I miss your northern one.
I miss your unique logic, and the way you always knew just what to say.
I miss your 'southern lessons' - how you would read children's stories to help me practice understanding you... then get yourself confused by the inevitable plot twist.
I miss your flowery shorts - florts, and your never ending patience.
I miss knowing you're just a phone call away.
Alex Hurry, I miss you.
We all do.
There will never be anyone quite like you.
I love you Murreh, find peace, where ever you are.
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